
COMD 492:

Medical Aspects of Disability in Rehabilitation

Fall, 2006

I. Instructor:

Sue E. Ouellette E-mail
Wirtz 323
815/753-1486 (voice) Office hours: By appointment
815/753-9123 (FAX)

II. Class Meeting Times and Place

Wirtz 307
August 28, December 11
Class meets 6-8:40 p.m.

The remainder of the class will be taught on-line.

III. Texts

See Blackboard section on books.

IV. Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this class, students will be able to:

Objective How Assessed UG Goal CORE Standard
1 Explain basic medical aspects of the human body system and disabilities.
Quizzes 1,2 C.9.1
2 Access resources for researching disability information Web site assignments; web bibliography 1,7 C.9.2
3 Explain functional capacity implications of medical and psychosocial information
Quizzes, case studies; PowerPoint assignment 1,2,3,5 C.9.3
4 Determine the need for assistive technology and the appropriate intervention resources
Case studies 1,2,3,7 C.9.4
5 Apply working knowledge of the impact of disability on the individual, the family, and the environment.

Case studies, case simulation 1,2,3 C.9.5.
6 Support consumer empowerment and advocacy as it relates to medical treatment Support group assignments; personal interview 1,2,4 C.9.6.
7 Utilize existing or acquired information about the existence, onset, severity, progression, and expected duration of an individual’s disability Case studies, case simulation 1,2,3 C.9.7
8 Consult with medical professionals regarding functional capacities, prognosis, and treatment plans for consumers Referral question assignment professional interview. 1,2,5 C.9.8
9 Understand individuals’ cultural, gender, sexual orientation, aging and disability differences and integrate this knowledge into practice. Case simulation 1,2,3 C.2.5
10 Articulate an understanding of the role of ethnic/racial and other diversity characteristics such as spirituality and religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status in groups, family, and society Case simulation 1,2,3 C.2.9

IV. Course Requirements

I. Class attendance and participation

Given the unique format in which the class is being offered, it is imperative that students attend the two class sessions. A maximum of 7 points can be earned each of the two days for attendance and participation. An additional 6 points can be earned by participating in threaded discussions.

II. Weekly distance-learning assignment

An assignment will be given for each the fourteen distance learning units. Because we will cover the material usually covered in a semester in 7 weeks, we will be doing two units each week and there will be an assignment for each unit. Assignments may include on-line quizzes, participation in discussion threads, completion of case studies, or other similar activities. Completed work is due in the digital drop box for the course no later than Sunday of the assigned week. Each assignment will be worth 20 points.

III. Application activities

Each student will participate in two of the following activities (50 points each). When a paper is to be the final product, it should be 3-5 pages in length, properly referenced and typed (double-spaced). All work should be carefully proof-read and reflect careful editing.

1. Identify and obtain information on a support group for persons with a specific condition that we are studying. Collect literature from the group and visit the organization’s web site. You must also interview a member or officer or attend a meeting or event sponsored by the organization. Information about the organization must be condensed onto a single page and distributed to all class members. Distribution may occur in electronic format or during the final class session. Be sure to include a link to the organization’s web site or their URL address.

2. Create a web site bibliography for a specific condition that we are studying this term. Select a minimum of 10 sites related to the condition and annotate them. The annotation should include the URL, a description of the content of the site and your remarks. Remarks could include comments on strengths, weaknesses, and usability of the site. Include a description of the criteria you used to determine whether this was a “good” site (reliable, accurate, useable) or not.

3. Interview a person with a specific condition that we are studying and present a summary of the interview during the final class period or in written format. If you elect to do this assignment in written form, copies are to be distributed to all members of the class either electronically or in hard copy. Describe the individual’s functional limitations. Discuss what you learned about the vocational, social, and independent living implications of the condition on the individual. Discuss any cultural considerations that may be involved.

4. Prepare a 20- minute PowerPoint presentation on a specific condition we are studying as if you were giving a staff development training on the topic for rehabilitation counselors. You are expected to use a minimum of 5 resources (beyond your text and BlackBoard materials) in preparing this presentation. Include :
• Information about the condition (causes, symptoms, how diagnosed)
• Discuss functional limitations that are commonly associated with the condition.
• Discuss vocational, psychosocial and independent living implications of the condition
• Describe common treatments, accommodations and strategies useful in ameliorating or reducing functional limitations associated with the condition.

5. Interview a professional who represents a discipline that is commonly associated with an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team. This could include a vocational rehabilitation counselor, nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, medical doctor, etc. Prepare a list of questions prior to the interview. Include questions about the type and length of education/training needed, certification or licensure requirements, professional memberships and associations, job functions, work conditions, etc. Visit the web site of a professional organization that represents this profession while you are formulating your questions and to prepare for the interview. Be sure to ask your subject how they see their role as a member of an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team.

Presentations will be made during the final class on December 11.

V. Grade Determination

Unit activities (14 @ 20 points each) 280
Application activities (2 @ 50 points each) 100
Attendance and participation 20


360-400 points = A
320-359 points = B
280-319 points = C
240-279 points = D
239 and below = F

VII. Classroom Policy

A. It is the student's responsibility to notify the instructor of problems he or she may encounter in attempting to master the course content. The instructor will happy to meet with students experiencing difficulty and/or to recommend additional resources or activities that would enhance learning. However, in accordance with university policy, no extra credit work can be offered to individual students.

B. Academic misconduct is a serious offense that will result in a minimum penalty of receiving a grade of "F" in this course. Plagiarism is a serious form of academic misconduct which involves taking credit for ideas or words that are not your own. Please be very careful to appropriately cite all references and to use quotation marks to indicate specific words, sentences or larger units of writing that have been authored by other people. This includes material taken from the Internet. If you are unsure of how to appropriately reference material, please consult the APA Publication Manual and/or discuss the material in question with me.

C. NIU abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which mandates reasonable accommodations be provided for qualified students with disabilities. If you have a disability and may require some type of instructional and/or examination accommodation, please contact me early in the semester so that I can provide or facilitate in providing accommodations you may need. If you have not already done so, you will need to register with the Center for Access-Ability Resources (CARR), the designated office on campus to provide services and administer examinations with accommodations for students with disabilities. The CARR office is located on the 4th floor of the University Health Services building (815-753-1303). I look forward to talking with you soon to learn how I may be helpful in enhancing your academic success in this course.

D. Classroom behavior: We all benefit when an atmosphere that facilitates learning is maintained in the classroom. Please turn off cell phones and pagers before class. Reading the newspaper, doing homework for another class, playing electronic games, talking while someone else has the floor, sleeping in class and/or surfing the internet are behaviors that are disrespectful to the presenter and to the other students in the class. If I observe these behaviors, I will ask you to stop. If you choose not to comply, you will be excused from class and marked absent for the day.

E. Late Work: Assignments that are handed in late will be reduced by 10% of the available points per day late. This includes Saturdays and Sundays.

F. Class Visitation Policy: Generally, only NIU students are permitted to attend classes. Guests, including family members, are not permitted to attend class without prior arrangement with the professor.

Last modified: Friday, 3 November 2006, 04:43 PM