
Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling (REH 6100)
Fall Semester 2006 - Course Syllabus - 8/4/06
Catherine Chambless, Ph.D., M.P.A., M.S., C.R.C.
Office Hours/Availability: By appointment (before or after class on Wednesdays); other weekdays by appointment.
Phone: 801-467-2926
Location: HSRC 105
Class Meets: Wednesdays – 5:00 PM – 7:30 MST
Texts and Readings:
Randall M. Parker, Edna Szymanski and Jeanne Patterson (2005) Rehabilitation Counseling: Basics and Beyond (4th Edition) referred to in syllabus as “PSP”
William Crimando & T.F. Riggar (2005) Community Resources: A guide for human service workers (2nd Edition), referred to in syllabus as “CR”
Supplemental Readings –available on RCE website
Course Description:
This course will present an overview of the history, philosophy and legal basis of rehabilitation programs, the roles of the rehabilitation counselor and the process of rehabilitation; organizational structure of public and private rehabilitation systems; community resources in health care, education, and human services used in rehabilitation; societal trends in rehabilitation; professional and ethical issues of rehabilitation counseling; professional organizations, rehabilitation counselor certification, and licensure.
Course Objectives: Students will learn about:
1. The history and philosophy of rehabilitation.
2. Legislation that affects individuals with disabilities.
3. The organizational structure of the rehabilitation systems, including public, private-for-profit, and not-for-profit service settings.
4. Laws and ethical standards affecting rehabilitation counseling practice.
5. The scope of professional practice: what the rehabilitation counselor does.
6. Societal trends and developments as they relate to rehabilitation.
7. Programs that provide education, health care, human services and income support to individuals with disabilities.
8. Professional organizations in rehabilitation and their functions and purposes.
Class Schedule
Week 1: August 30, 2006
Topic: Course requirements, history and paradigms of disability, demographics, disability etiquette
View DVD: “A Brief History of Disability” – [Module 1 in IL History and Philosopy]
PSP Chap 1- Rehabilitation counseling: The profession & Chap 2- Philosophical, historical and legislative aspects of the rehabilitation counseling profession. (pp. 1-53)
Supplemental reading: Sec 1- “Chronology”
Assignment: Student Information Survey

Week 2: September 6, 2006
Topic: The rehabilitation counseling profession, history and significant legislation affecting rehabilitation, certification and licensure
Readings: PSP Chap 3: Professional practice in rehabilitation service delivery systems (pp. 55-87)
CR Chap 9- Vocational Rehabilitation (pp.97-109)
Supplemental Reading: Sec 2- “Credentialing in Rehabilitation” etc.
Assignment: No later than class time next week students must notify the professor of the name of a community resource program about which you will research, write a report, and present to the class.

Week 3: September 13
Topic: What the rehabilitation counselor does and in what kind of settings; the state-federal vocational rehabilitation program
Readings: PSP Chap 4- Ethics and ethical decision making (pp. 89-116)
CR Chap 1- Overview (pp. 3-7) & Chap 2- Case Management Implications (pp. 8-18)
Supplemental Reading: Sec 3- “New Directions in Rehabilitation” etc.

Week 4: September 20
Topic: Rehabilitation counseling code of ethics; principles and obligations; ethical situations
Readings: PSP Chap 5- Rehabilitation counseling theories
CR Chap 3- Medical Providers (pp. 19-28) & Chap 5- Mental and behavioral health (pp. 40-56)

Week 5: September 27
Topic: Counseling theories useful in rehabilitation; medical/psychological resources; mental health services.
Readings: PSP Chap 6- Rehab Counseling Practice: Considerations and Interventions (pp.155-186)

Week 6: October 4
Topic: Individual and environmental factors to consider in rehabilitation
Student presentations: Community Resource presentations begin this week; each student will be assigned a date for their presentation to the class.
Readings: PSP Chap 7- Psychosocial impact of disability (pp. 187-224)
CR Chap 13- Alcohol-drug treatment programs 144-157); Chap 14- Peer self help groups (pp.158-167)

Week 7: October 11
Topic: Applying counseling theories to the work of rehabilitation; adjustment to disability; societal attitudes; substance abuse treatment programs
Student presentations
Readings: PSP Chap 8- Ecological approach to vocational behavior and career development of people with disabilities (pp. 225-280)

Week 8: October 18
Topic: Vocational development theories; career counseling; job placement
Student presentations
Readings: PSP – Chap 9- People with Disabilities in the Workplace (pp. 281-305)
CR Chap 10- Community rehabilitation programs/ supported employment (pp. 110-121)

Week 9: October 25
First exam
Topic: Rehabilitation of individuals with significant disabilities; supported employment; natural supports; community rehabilitation programs
View Video: Everyone Can Work
Student presentations
Readings: PSP Chap 10- Psychological assessment in rehabilitation (pp. 307-334)
CR Chap 16- Civil rights and equal employment / ADA (pp. 187-199)

Week 10: November 1
Topic: Psychological assessment: tools and strategies; civil rights protections; Americans with Disabilities Act
Student presentations
Readings: PSP Chap 11- Research in rehabilitation counseling (p. 335-362)
CR Chap 15- Social Security Disability Insurance/ Supplemental Security Income (pp. 169-186)
Supplemental Readings: Sec 4- Social Security “2006 Red Book” pp. 7-8, pp. 15-16, pp. 28-29.

Week 11: November 8
Topic: Social Security income support programs; Rehabilitation research
Student presentations
Readings: CR Chap 23- Career and technical education (pp. 269-276); Chap 24- Adult education (pp. 277-289); Chap 25- Special education (pp. 290-303)
Supplemental Reading: Sec 5- “Why Journals Operate” etc.

Week 12: November 15
Topics: Education systems: Transition from school to work; post-secondary education programs used in rehabilitation
Student presentations
Reading: PSP Chapter 12- Technology in Rehabilitation (p. 363-393)
CR Chap 12- Assistive technology services (pp. 132-143)

Week 13: November 22 (No Class - Thanksgiving week)

Week 14: November 29
Topic: Technology: AT and IT in rehabilitation
View DVD
Student presentations
Readings: PSP Chap 13- Sociopolitical context of rehabilitation counseling practice (pp. 395-412)
CR Chap 18- Client assistance programs and protection and advocacy (pp. 218-224)

Week 15: December 6
Topic: Course review
Student presentations

Week 16: December 13, 2006
Second Exam


First exam – 200 points
Second exam – 200 points
Community resource assignment – 200 points
Class participation – 50 points.
The total points possible for this course are 650. Grades are assigned according to the following scale:

A = 650 – 617
A - = 615 – 585
B+ = 584 -- 565
B = 564 -- 553

B - = 552 -- 520
C+ = 519 -- 500
C = 499 -- 481
C- = 480 – 455

Anything below a C- is not acceptable for credit.

Exams. There will be two closed-book exams – First Exam and Second Exam. The Second Exam will not be cumulative. These exams will each be worth 200 points and will mostly include short answers. Study guides will be made available.
The community resource assignment will entail researching a program that provides services useful for individuals with disabilities, writing a description of the program, and making a report to the class (approximately 5-7 minute presentation). Students will be responsible for notifying the professor of the name of the resource/program on which you intend to report no later than the third week of class. Class presentations will begin on Week 6 and continue each week through the end of the semester. Students’ written community resource descriptions will be distributed electronically to other students in the class following your presentations.
Class participation. Points may be earned for appropriate questions and comments that contribute to class learning; Points may be subtracted for missed class attendance and/or chronic tardiness.

In coordination with the Disability Resource Center, reasonable accommodation will be provided for qualified students with disabilities. Please meet with the instructor during the first week of class to make arrangements. Accommodations and alternative format print materials (large print, audio, diskette or Braille) are available through the Disability Resource Center, located in the Taggart Student Center room 104, phone number (435) 797-2444.

USU Policy on Incomplete Grade (I)

Students are required to complete all courses for which they are registered by the end of the semester. In some cases, a student may be unable to complete all of the work in a course due to extenuating circumstances, but not due to poor performance. The term “extenuating circumstances” includes:

1) incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes for a period of at least two weeks, (2) a death in the immediate family,
2) financial responsibilities requiring a student to alter course schedule to secure employment,
3) change in work schedule as required by employer, or
4) other emergencies of this nature.

Documentation of the circumstances cited to justify an incomplete grade is required. Such a student may petition the instructor of the course for time beyond the end of the semester to finish the work. If the instructor agrees, two grades will be placed on the final grade list for the student: an I and a letter grade for the course computed as if the missing work were zero. The student is then required to complete the work by the time agreed upon, or not longer than 12 months. If no change of grade has been submitted by the instructor within the prescribed period, the I grade will be removed and the letter grade originally submitted with the I will remain as the permanent grade for the course.

Notice of Academic Dishonesty

The University expects that students and faculty alike maintain the highest standards of academic honesty. For the benefit of students who may not be aware of specific standards of the University concerning academic honest, the following information is quoted from the code of Polices and Procedure for Students at Utah State University, Article V, Section 3;

Violations of University Standards

Acts of academic dishonesty.

A. Cheating includes intentionally:
1. Using or attempting to use or providing others with any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, examinations, or in any other academic exercise or activity;
2. Depending upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments;
3. Substituting for another student, or permitting another student to substitute for oneself, in taking an examination or preparing academic work;
4. Acquiring tests or other academic material belonging to a faculty member, staff member, or another student without express permission; and
5. Engaging in any form of research fraud.

B. Falsification includes the intentional and unauthorized altering or inventing of any information or citation in an academic exercise or activity.
1. Plagiarism includes knowingly representing, by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or unpublished work of another person as one's own in any academic exercise or activity without full and clear acknowledgement.
2. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.

C. Violations of the above policy will subject the offender to the University discipline procedures as outlined in Article VI, Section 1 of the Handbook. Those procedures may lead to: (a) a reprimand; (b) a grade adjustment; (c) being placed on warning or probation; (d) suspension from the University; or (e) expulsion from the University.

Student Information Survey
Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling – REH 6100
Fall Semester 2006 - Chambless

Your Name

City of residence

Where were you born?

Undergrad college or university Year graduated

Have you taken, or are you now taking, other courses in the Rehab Counselor Education program? Yes___ No___

If yes, what other courses?

Are you currently employed?

What is your job?

Language(s) spoken

Other countries lived in

Have you had any personal, family, or work experience with disability?

Yes_____ No _____ If yes, please explain (optional):

On Campus students: Turn in survey first night of class
Distance students: Email to professor Chambless at

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 November 2006, 12:37 PM