
07C: 350 Advanced Practicum in Rehabilitation Counseling and Case Management
07C: 351 Advanced Practicum in Substance Abuse Counseling and Mental Health
The University of Iowa
Division of Counseling, Rehabilitation and Student Development

Fall 2006
Location: N379 Lindquist Center

Time: 1:30-4:00 p.m. Monday


Jodi L. Saunders, PhD, CRC
Assistant Professor
N354 LC
319 335-5278
By appointment

This course is designed for students pursuing a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling desiring a CORE or CACREP accredited practicum experience. Students enrolled in these courses are required to compete a 12 hour a week community placement practicum experience in addition to attending class.

The purpose of the Advanced Practicum classes in substance abuse and rehabilitation counseling and case management is to develop trainees’ ability to implement basic counseling skills (attending and influencing) in a rehabilitation context through community experience with a broad spectrum of individuals from diverse cultures and with diverse needs. Students will gain knowledge through reading, class presentations, and supervised community experience. Individuals will learn how to implement the skills through the process of demonstrations, practice opportunities, and supervised opportunities with practice and actual clients. The application of ethical principles and professional standards to real life situations is emphasized within the course.

Required Texts:
Clinical Practice Manual for Rehabilitation Counseling available at

Required Materials: An Audiotape is required.

Course requirements:
Assignments may be modified by the instructor to meet the individual needs of the counselor in training and take into consideration their specific site. Students may be asked to repeat assignments or complete additional assignments in order to demonstrate competency in the objective areas. (Total points = 100)

1. Supervisor conference. A conference between site supervisor and university supervisor and student should be arranged as soon as possible. Additional conferences will occur at mid-term and at the end of the semester.

2. Individual Supervision: Students will participate in a series of individual supervisory conferences with the University supervisor (your small group leader). These conferences will occur according to an assigned individual conference appointment schedule.

3. Individual Goal Statement: (10 points) A typed list of individual goals, a written statement of your personal philosophy of counseling, and a schedule of your site hours are required in this assignment. Please reference the EXAMPLE for developing your specific goals. Give this assignment to your University supervisor. Note: The goals for the clinical experience will be revised after the mid semester evaluation. Take responsibility for assuring that a current copy is in your files and your site supervisor has a copy.

4. Agency Presentation: (5 points) During the second large group meeting each student will present 10-15 minutes on their practicum site. Please include the following information at a minimum:

a) Place of Practicum
b) Supervisor
c) Goal/mission of the agency
d) Describe clients generally served by agency
e) Describe the type of caseload you will be assisting with
f) Types of services generally provided by the agency
g) *Please bring brochure/handouts for everyone in class if possible

5. Case Conceptualization and Case Presentation: (50 points) In small group, each student will be required to present case material on one client to their small group for group information and peer-review. Projects will be approximately 30-45 minutes in length and assigned in your small groups. Presentation shall consist of:

a) Typed summary of case information of the client presented (See Sample) including releases of information. A typed summary of client case information is handed out to the seminar participants and instructor at the time of the presentation.
b) Background information on the agency.
c) Questions and/or concerns you are bringing to the group for their input/ideas.
d) An audible tape recorded counseling session with this client.

The student, peers and group leader will discuss the session and case information, share ideas regarding alternative approaches to issues raised, and pose questions to clarify presenter strategies. (NOTE: The tape used in this presentation cannot be reviewed within the weekly individual conference.)

6. Specialization Paper and Presentation: (20 points) Students will be required to provide a personal/professional reflection on their choice of specialty as a rehabilitation counselor. A written (5-7 page) paper will be handed to instructor the day of presentation. Please address the following in your paper:

a) Reasons for selecting your specialty area.
b) Initial expectations when selecting your specialty area.
c) As a rehabilitation counselor with your specialty, how are you similar and different from rehabilitation professionals working in other specialty areas?
d) Describe your current experience in your specialty area.

7. Ethics Paper and Reflection Activity: (10 points) Based on their practicum experience, students will select an area of professional practice they think a rehabilitation counselor should be aware of in order to practice ethically. Students will:
a) Develop a case scenario making reference to your specialty area
b) Describe stakeholders involved, why is this (information described in scenario) an ethical dilemma and ethical principles compromised.
c) Make reference to the CRCC Code of Ethics regarding specific areas in the code which might address how to deal with the situation
d) A 2 – 3 page paper will be handed to instructor describing points a to c and including a personal reflection on your perceptions of your ethical practice

8. Current Issues in Rehabilitation Counseling: (5 points) Students will bring an article to class describing a current issue in Counseling or rehabilitation Counseling. A 10 minute presentation will be offered by student:
 First 5 minutes to describe article
 Last 5 minutes to generate brief discussion with class members

Because the skills that each student must demonstrate are critical to advancement in the professional training sequence, students who do not complete the assignments at a Mastery level will be required to redo the assignment following the feedback provided by the instructor.

Please refer to the Evaluation Procedure described in the Clinical Practice Manual. Clinical Component: the University Supervisor will evaluate the clinical component. To insure consistency and continuity, a standardized form (Counselor Evaluation Protocol) will be used for evaluation of the student's counseling skills. Students will receive a passing grade if acceptable movement has been made toward meeting objectives.

A failing grade may result if it is determined that the student is practicing in an unethical manner, does not fulfill agency or University requirements, and/or fails to make acceptable progress toward meeting their objectives and/or a basic level of professional competence (knowledge, skill and clinical attitude) in the judgment of the University Supervisor. If this situation does occur, the Rehabilitation Counseling faculty will decide the appropriate course of action.

If the clinical component is evaluated as pass, then the University Supervisor will assign a grade indicating the quality of the counselor-in-training’s performance as observed over the course of the semester and documented in the Protocol. This class can not be taken on a pass fail basis. Plus (+) and minus (–) grades are not issued. Remember, attendance, active and constructive participation in class meetings will be considered as an important grading criterion. Grades are as follows:

A= 90 - 100
B= 89 – 80
C= 79 – 70 D= 69 - 60
F= 59 – 0

Therefore, both the classroom (40%) and clinical (60%) components contribute to the
final grade. Counselors-in-training will receive ongoing feedback regarding their progress and should therefore be aware of any concerns as they develop. If counselors-in-training do not agree with supervisor's assessment of their fieldwork experience, steps can be taken to appeal the grade (See Policies and Procedures.)

Grading Notes:
1. Constructive, caring and honest criticism are expected on the part of the peer presenter and seminar members. No exceptions will be tolerated.

2. Openness to critique, accurate listening and active participation in the critique process are expectations for the student being critiqued.

3. You are expected to perform in a professional and ethical manner while in your agency placement and in the University coursework.

4. Evaluation of your performance will consider actual level of interpersonal skills, awareness, and analysis of techniques employed, organization, and compliance with deadline and quality of written content. You should be able to:

a) conceptualize the client's problem and the appropriate counseling techniques to use;
b) promote client communication;
c) use a variety of appropriate techniques;
d) understand the psychosocial, physical, independent living and employment needs of the client;
e) demonstrate effective case management skills appropriate to your setting;
f) demonstrate understanding of yourself and how you affect others

Student Grievances: Procedures for filing student complaints are explained in Policies and Regulations Affecting Students. Copies are published every September as a supplement to the Daily Iowan and additional copies are available at the Campus Information Center in the Iowa Memorial Union.

It is your responsibility to be aware of these policies and regulations. Student Complaint Procedures available online at:
and at:
This course is given by the College of Education. This means that class policies on matters such as requirements, grading, and sanctions for academic dishonesty are governed by the College of Education. Students wishing to add or drop this course after the official deadline must receive the approval of the Dean of the College of Education. Details of the University policy of cross enrollments may be found at:

Policy and Procedures: The Clinical Practice Manual for Rehabilitation Counseling (2002) provides detailed information regarding policies and procedures related to the practicum experiences in Rehabilitation Counseling. Students participating in these courses are expected to have a working knowledge of the information provided in the Manual. In addition to policies and procedures, the Manual also provides a basic reference for other descriptive information regarding the clinical component of the Rehabilitation Counselor Education Program.

Accommodations: We would like to hear from anyone who has a disability which may require some modification of seating, testing or other class requirements so that appropriate arrangements may be made. Please see any of us after class or during our office hours. Student Disability Services: Assisting Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Faculty and Instructors at:

Diversity: Each or the students taking this course brings an array of different experience and knowledge. It is our expectation that classes be conducted in a manner that is respectful of diversity: gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. If you feel that in some way that respect has been violated or you have recommendations on how to better fulfill this expectation, we encourage you to meet with us.

Sexually Explicit Material: The University of Iowa requires that advanced warning be given if sexually explicit material will be presented. As a part of the interviewing process, you may work with individuals who choose to reveal sexually explicit material. It is your responsibility to respond in a professional manner utilizing the communication skills. If you are unable to continue, you are expected to end the conversation in a respectful manner. If there are sexually related issues that you feel you could not discuss with a classmate for personal reasons, you need to indicate that you would like to discuss something else.

Plagiarism and Cheating: The collegiate policy on plagiarism and cheating is outlined in the Schedule of Courses and the Liberal Arts Bulletin. It is your responsibility to be aware of this policy. The penalty for the first offense is disciplinary probation until graduation. A second offense could result in suspension, and a third offense expulsion. Policy on Student Academic Misconduct available online at:
and at:

Alignment with CARCREP& CORE: These courses meet the following competencies and objectives for accreditation.

CACREP Standards
1.b. Understanding of professional roles and relationships to other profession
1.d Role of professional organizations in practice
1.e. Professional credentialing, licensure, and standards of practice
1.f. Public and private policy process
1.g. Advanced consumer advocacy techniques
1.h. Ethical standards of ACA and applications of ethical principles
2.c. Understanding of the cultural contexts of working with individuals
2.f. Ethical and legal consideration in counseling persons of varied identity
5.a. Understanding the counselor characteristics that affect the counseling process
5.b. Understanding and self awareness of interviewing and counseling skills
5.c. Application of theoretical models to cases and modeling of counseling
5.d. Family and other system theories, selection and application of appropriate
5.f. Integration of assistive and other technologies
5.g. Ethical and legal considerations in the helping relationship

CORE Standards for Rehabilitation Counseling Programs:


Students will demonstrate the ability to:

C.1.1 practice rehabilitation counseling in a legal and ethical manner, adhering to the Code of Professional Ethics and Scope of Practice for the profession;

C.1.2 integrate into one’s practice, the history and philosophy of rehabilitation as well as the laws affecting individuals with disabilities including findings, purposes, and policies in current legislation;

C.1.3 describe, in general, the organizational structure of the rehabilitation, education, and healthcare systems, including public, private-for-profit, and not-for-profit service settings;

C.1.4 apply in one’s practice, the laws and ethical standards affecting rehabilitation counseling in problem-solving and ethical decision-making;

C.1.5 integrate into practice an awareness of societal issues, trends, public policies, and
developments as they relate to rehabilitation;

C.1.6 create a partnership between consumer and counselor by collaborating in informed consumer review, choice, and personal responsibility in the rehabilitation process;

C.1.7 apply in one’s practice, the principles of disability-related legislation including the rights of persons with disabilities to independence, inclusion, choice and self-determination, empowerment, access, and respect for individual differences;

C.1.8 educate the public and consumers regarding the rights of people with disabilities under federal and state law;

C.1.9 articulate the differences in philosophy and the purposes of related counseling disciplines and allied health fields; and

C.1.10 explain differences among certification, licensure, and accreditation.


Students will demonstrate the ability to:

C.2.1 practice rehabilitation counseling in a manner that reflects an understanding of psychosocial influences, cultural beliefs and values, and diversity issues that affect adjustment and attitudes of both individuals with disabilities and professional service providers;

C.2.2 utilize in one’s practice an understanding of family systems and the impact of the family on the rehabilitation process;

C.2.3 articulate an understanding of the dynamics, issues, and trends of the social system in which the individual lives;

C.2.4 practice in a manner that shows an understanding of the environmental and attitudinal barriers to individuals with disabilities;

C.2.5 understand individuals’ cultural, gender, sexual orientation, aging, and disability differences and integrate this knowledge into practice;

C.2.6 identify and articulate an understanding of the social, economic, and environmental forces that may present barriers to a consumer’s rehabilitation;

C.2.7 apply psychological and social theory to develop strategies for rehabilitation intervention;

C.2.8 develop strategies for self-awareness and self-development that will support sensitivity to diversity issues;

C.2.9 articulate an understanding of the role of ethnic/racial and other diversity characteristics such as spiritually and religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status in groups, family, and society;

C.2.10 continuously assess self-awareness and attitudinal aspects of rehabilitation counseling;

C.2.11 articulate current demographic characteristics and trends as well as their impact on rehabilitation service policy; and

C.2.12 identify and demonstrate an understanding of stereotypic views toward persons with disabilities and the negative effects of these views on successful completion of the rehabilitation process.


Students will demonstrate the ability to:

C.5.1 conduct individual counseling sessions with consumers;

C.5.2 develop and maintain a counseling relationship with consumers;

C.5.3 establish, in collaboration with the consumer, individual counseling goals and objectives;

C.5.4 assist the consumer with crisis resolution;

C.5.5 facilitate the consumer’s decision-making and personal responsibility in a manner consistent with the individual’s culture and beliefs;

C.5.6 recommend strategies to assist the consumer in solving identified problems that may impede the rehabilitation process;

C.5.7 explain the implications of assessment/evaluation results on planning and decision-making;

C.5.8 demonstrate consultation and supervisory skills on behalf of and with the consumer;

C.5.9 assist the consumer in developing acceptable work behavior;

C.5.10 adjust counseling approaches or styles to meet the needs of individual consumers;

C.5.11 terminate counseling relationships with consumers in a manner that enhances their ability to function independently;

C.5.12 recognize consumers who demonstrate psychological problems (e.g., depression, suicidal ideation) and refer when appropriate;

C.5.13 interpret diagnostic information (e.g., vocational and educational tests, records and medical data) to the consumer;

C.5.14 assist consumers in modifying their lifestyles to accommodate individual functional limitations; and

C.5.15 assist consumers to successfully deal with situations involving conflict resolution and behavior management.


Students will demonstrate the ability to:

C.10.1 provide the information, education, training, equipment, counseling, and supports that people with disabilities need in order to make effective employment and life-related decisions;
C.10.2 evaluate the adequacy of existing information for rehabilitation planning;

C.10.3 integrate cultural, social, economic, disability-related, and environmental factors in rehabilitation planning;

C.10.4 plan and implement a comprehensive assessment including individual, ecological, and environmental issues (e.g., personality, interest, interpersonal skills, intelligence, and related functional capabilities, educational achievements, work experiences, vocational aptitudes, personal and social adjustment, transferable skills, employment opportunities, physical barriers, ergonomic evaluation, attitudinal factors);

C.10.5 develop jointly with the consumer, an appropriate rehabilitation plan that utilizes personal and public resources;

C.10.6 explain insurance claims processing and professional responsibilities in workers’ compensation and disability benefits systems;

C.10.7 identify and plan for the provision of independent living services with consumers;

C.10.8 establish working relationships and determine mutual responsibilities with other service providers involved with the individual and/or the family, or consumer’s advocate, including provision of consumer involvement and choice;

C.10.9 develop a knowledge base of community resources and refer individuals, when appropriate;

C.10.10 assist individuals in identifying areas of personal responsibility that will facilitate the rehabilitation process and maximize their vocational rehabilitation potential (e.g., potential fiscal resources to obtain needed services);

C.10.11 serve as a consultant to other community agencies to advocate for the integration and inclusion of individuals with disabilities within the community;

C.10.12 market the benefits and availability of rehabilitation services to potential consumers, employers, and the general public;

C.10.13 identify and plan for the appropriate use of assistive technology including computer-related resources;

C.10.14 educate prospective employers about the benefits of hiring persons with disabilities including providing technical assistance with regard to reasonable accommodations in conformance with disability-related legislation;

C.10.15 demonstrate the knowledge of treatment and rehabilitation approaches for substance abuse;
C.10.16 demonstrate the knowledge of treatment and rehabilitation approaches for consumers with psychiatric disabilities;

C.10.17 demonstrate knowledge of transition from school to work;

C.10.18 perform appropriate case documentation;

C.10.19 apply disability-related policy and legislation to daily rehabilitation practice; and

C.10.20 utilize resources and consult with other qualified professionals to assist in the effective delivery of service

D: Clinical Experience

D.1 Students shall have a minimum of 100 hours of supervised rehabilitation counseling practicum with at least 40 hours of direct service to persons with disabilities. Practicum students should have experiences that increase their awareness and understanding of the differences in values, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals from diverse populations. This sensitivity will promote cultural competence, foster personal growth, and introduce students to counseling approaches and rehabilitation issues that affect service delivery.

D.1.1 The practicum shall include instructional experiences (audio-video tapes and individual and group interaction) dealing with rehabilitation counseling concerns, and clinical experiences (on or off-campus) that facilitate the development of basic rehabilitation counseling skills. During the practicum, students will conduct interviews that will be reviewed by a supervisor. If practicum experiences are provided off-campus, there will be direct and periodic communication throughout the semester between the site supervisor and the faculty (e.g., site visits, conference calls, video-conferencing, electronic communication).

D.1.2 Written expectations, procedures, and policies for practicum shall be contained in a manual or other appropriate document(s) and distributed to students and supervisors. This will include the policy that the practicum is a prerequisite to the supervised rehabilitation
counseling clinical internship experience.

D.1.3. For the practicum, an on-site supervisor must be assigned to provide supervision throughout the practicum experience.

D.1.4 Practicum experiences shall include an average of one (1) hour per week of individual or 1½ hours per week of group (with no more than 10 students/group) supervision by a program faculty member or qualified individual working in cooperation with a program faculty member.

D.1.5 When using distance education modalities, practicum supervision may be provided using a variety of methods such as video conferencing, teleconferencing, real time video contact, or others as appropriate.

D.1.6 In states that have specific practicum supervision requirements for counselor licensure, the program shall make the required supervision experiences consistent with the licensure requirements available to those students desiring to qualify for licensure.

D.1.7 There shall be a progress review of all students enrolled in a practicum.

D.1.8 There shall be a written procedure for responding to students who do not demonstrate satisfactory practicum knowledge or clinical skills.

D.1.9 The individual supervision of five students shall be considered equivalent to the teaching of one course due to the intensive one-on-one instruction and the ongoing evaluation necessary in practicum.

The overall goals of these courses are to prepare counselors to work specifically with persons with disabilities in order to effectively promote positive changes in their employment status, level of social integration, level of independence, and quality of life. To these ends, and within the parameters of the clinical continuum, individual clinical preparation goals are established in order for the Counselor-In-Training to ensure skill development along with a strong knowledge base, both of which serve to promote qualified providers of rehabilitation counseling services. The goals of this experience are:

1. to stimulate identification with the professional roles of advocate, counselor, case manager, and consultant

2. to articulate individual differences in clients, and to accurately identify interventions which are appropriate;

3. to articulate and implement under supervision a personal theory of counseling which guides the intentionality of clinical practice;

4. to apply ethical standards, decision-making strategies, and governance considerations necessary to effective clinical practice;

5. to apply a developmental approach to counseling and supervision;

6. to intentionally apply micro counseling skills effectively in the clinical setting and establish interpersonal relationships which involve ethical decisions;

7. to participate in the realities of the counselor-client relationship and the part that self-understanding plays in this relationship;

8. to develop a clinical perspective and clinical skills (i.e. ability to review a file), which is assessment across five domains: medical psychological, social, educational, and vocational;

9. to develop and articulate a case conceptualization based on test, express, and manifest data formulated through the theory which guides their practice;

10. to develop an individualized service plan based on client input and needs. Part of this plan is to include individual, group, or family counseling interventions as appropriate;

11. to apply knowledge and techniques learned in the classroom in a community based experience (under conditions that would not be injurious to the client in any way) in order to develop and strengthen applied counseling skills through didactic instruction, experiential opportunity, and one-to-one instruction, supervision, and evaluation;

12. to participate in the organizational structure, protocol, relationships, processes, and working conditions of rehabilitation agencies, including an awareness of community resources and the clientele those resources serve;

13. to gain experience in working as a member of the rehabilitation team.

14. to apply effective case management tools that are consistent with best rehabilitation practices.

Last modified: Friday, 16 February 2007, 02:41 PM