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A Career Planning Survey (CPS) is a questionnaire that gathers information about abilites, skills, values, attitudes, and educational goals to foster self-identity, assist occupational development, and suggests career possibilities. Usually personality tests, these formal assessment tools provides a detailed report of your interests and how they relate to the world of study and work. Although the accuracy and validity of CPS remain under controversy, they tests can "give you ideas you hadn't thought of, and suggestions worth following up.." according to Richard Nelson Bolles creator of JobHuntersBible?.com. He comments that these tools do not give a "magic answer that will guide the rest of your life and career" and thus encourages taking several tests to "get a much better picture of your preferences, profile, and good career suggestions." Offered by universities, government agencies, and career counselors CPS are considered very useful for students, jobseekers, and people in need of professional development and/or change in employment. Currently several websites provide an online surveys free of charge. Examples of well-known CPS include the Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS), The Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II (KTS®-II), and Campbell™ Interest and Skill Survey (CISS®). Bolles, R.N., The Seven Rules About Taking Career Tests, Bolton, B. & Parker, R.,(2008) Handbook of Measurement and Evaluation in Rehabilitation, 4th edition. Austin, TX: PRO-ED. Hansen, K., Online Career Assessments: Helpful Tools of Self-Discovery,