All download files (PDFs, videos, and audios) are FREE.
Please start your search by clicking NCRTM library.
Alternative Google-type Search
A Google search of the library materials can be performed in the following search box:
Instructions for the Search in the Digital Library
There are several ways to execute a search in our library,
depending on the information you have available to you.
The most common, and therefore the default, is to search by keyword"
This enables a search by topic, such as TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury, or deaf blind, ASL or interpreter, etc.
Simply enter your search criteria in the {Search for} box, and click [Search Now].
This option will also work if titles, series titles, locations or publication years are entered.
The other search terms are more self explanatory. The available search criterions are [Authors], [Titles] and [Numbers].
- [Authors] is self explanatory, and will give you a listing of all items accredited to that person.
- [Titles] will give a list of titles with the words indicated, with the closest matches listed first.
- [Numbers] can be used if you know the Call Number for the specific item you’re looking for, and is by far,
the most precise search for a single item.
If you wish to use these [Search by] methods, simply enter the information in the {Search for} box, click on the {Search by} pull down box, select your criteria, and click on [Search Now].
When the search results are displayed, you will see the titles and other identifying information listed.
If there is more than one page of results, this will be indicated at the top left corner,
as well as by the [Next Page] option in the row of search navigation buttons at the top and bottom of each page.
To access a selection, click on the check box to the left of each entry and click [Select Item], or simply click on the title.
This will take you to the individual page for that item. This page will include specific information relating to the item,
including Author, publishing information, series information (if applicable),
and the electronic link to the file, whether it is a pdf file (document), video, audio file, etc.
All items in our library are available for free download. If you wish to order a hardcopy produced and shipped to you,
the prices and ordering information are available at: https://ncrtm.org/e-store
, or for more information, please call 1-866-821-5355.